Top porn star xxx website offering a really hot male model having fun

Never heard about Manuel Ferrara?


ManuelFerrara is the official website of the popular and well-known porn star Manuel Ferrara. Manuel has won all the AVN awards consecutively since the year 2012. He is a man from France. This guy has been in the industry for more than 10 years. In fact, he is getting famous and better as the years go by just like fine wine. Manuel is also a director and when he is not shooting porn films and videos he is directing it.

Great porn star adult site showing all the skills this hot male model has

A look at the content

Secondary niches are porn stars and hardcore sex. The site is well organized, cleaned and everything is put in its place in a unique manner. There is no availability of adverts or pop ups. In most of the websites that I have been able to visit before, there are so many pop ups and adverts that you even confuse them to videos or thumbnails and you end up on a totally different page or you even download an advert thinking that it is a video.

I was able to find out that that is not the case when it comes to this website. I love me a clean site, where I can be able to see everything that made me access it in the first place. Not a crowded, non organized page. I also loved the fact that the site has menus which make it even easier to browse or maneuver your way through it. For example if you want to access the videos, the models or the images or you have to do is click on the icons at the top of the member’s area page.

Video and stars

So far the site has approximately 300 plus scenes. Each video run for around 20-30 plus minutes and every video is accompanied by a set of images and a short description about the scene. The short descriptions make sure that the members have background information about the video that they are downloading. Once you click on any thumbnail you will be redirected to the download page where you will have an option to choose the formats that you would like to access the video through. For example, you can be able to download the movies in mp4, WMV or even MPEG formats. It all depends with your preferences. You can also choose to watch the movies online in an embedded flash browser.

To top it up, the site has 254 plus photo sets. Each photo set contain around 150 plus photos. The images can be viewed online without downloading them or you can be able to download them into zip files. The images can also be resized in browser. The photos can also be able to be enlarged for your better viewing. The site claims to upload at least 1 or 2 videos every week and a photo set. However, if the claim is true I could have noticed a growth in the already available contents but that is not the case.

Final thoughts

ManuelFerrara is one of the best solo male performer’s websites. I would be a meanie and an asshole not to recommend this site. I am a personal fanatic of Manuel and I have been doing major campaigns for him to all my friends and this would not be an exception. The guy is a porn machine!

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