The best porn reviews

So, you are interested in us? At least, if you are reading this it means that you want to find out who we are and what exactly do we do. Our merry team of reviewers has only one goal: to get you the latest information about adult sites, and to help you navigate through this dense jungle of porn. This ever-growing business is demanding, but we always try to keep up, and we are always on the lookout for the newest, hottest websites.

The well-tried team of Reviewsporn is here to answer any questions you may have, and they (we) do it in a big way. Our reviews are always up-to-date, and as we check every past and present review-topics, we can tell you right away whether a site is still in a good state, or it’s flushing down the toilet. There are so many scams out there, that you must pay attention where you spend your hard-earned money, and that’s exactly why we are here.

The approach

In case you are wondering about how we write our reviews, here is a short example for you.
We search for new site, or pay a visit to old ones – you know those BIG names -, but we also consider the sites the readers suggest to review. Since our team is highly mixed, usually all of them takes a look on the suspect. The first thing we do, is to get in touch with the owner or webmaster of the site, and ask for an access. Now this is the most important part where we can see if the site is trustworthy or not: some sites doesn’t even respond or they do it after months, while others don’t let us in, and want to make us to buy a membership. These are big downfalls, and usually we leave such sites, and go on with others.

When our contact was successful, we start digging. And by that we mean we go deep. Thanks to the several tools, like site archives and timelines, we can inspect how the design and the site-build changed – if it has changed -, and nowadays it’s really easy to check the technical data too. We have a team of tech-experts who do the page ranking checks, using the same algorithms as the search engines, and they also try to find out the Who-Is information too. There are sometimes bad things coming to light, like when a site shares the same IP as a dozen of low-value, scam-looking portals. During the time when the experts do their magic, our not-too-techy people are doing the content analysis.

The main aspects analyzed in our porn site reviews:

  • Frequency of updates
  • Overall quality check
  • Download speeds
  • Amount of content

We gather their opinions, and our masters of words make them into an easy-to-read and complete review. And we always go back to the sites, usually once a week. This is the method we use, but it’s just the hill of the mountain of work we do.

Reviewsporn’s Team

Our team is really varied: apart from the web- and tech-experts we have a more civilian bunch here (teachers, bloggers, nurses, and a sexologist). Girls and guys are working together here, and they get along fine. Their love for adult videos and their different fixations are making our reviews so varied, and if someone is not really into it, there is always another one who can take that site and do the job.