Never heard about UK Scally Lads?
The website is a gay porn website which has a storyline of naughty street boys on a sleek clean website; strip down for each as they all have a good time together. The website offers explicit content that strictly features only the male sex, these contents shows fresh boys as they expose the entirety of their bodies before a camera; or a video recording of them as they stroke their penises as they masturbate, and while they meet with another. The union between these boys on camera is rather aggressive than intimate, they usually foreplay which involves them kissing each other, touching and stroking each other’s dicks. Eventually, they take this a bit farther by oral sexing and the whole touching and they climax when they thrust into each other. The site features amateur models having sex in an amateur environment, but they don’t upload content shot and recorded elsewhere by other amateurs. So it is a professional site that features amateur acts on its content. The production team is far from amateurs as they put together a fine work by the material production for this site, for they are the true professionals on set. The boys are almost all naïve and shy on the set especially Shaun M. Like I said earlier, the production quality of the materials on the site is very impressive; they may be ones step away from being on HD. The pictures and videos are of high resolution and the quality of work done by the production team is worthy of applause. By becoming a member of UK Scally Lads, you get to access all work done by the team which includes; over 140 picture of fresh naked boys as they flash what they got and play with themselves. And also you get to watch unlimited supply of the most erotic man-to-man action on the full HD, you see as these boys stroke their bulges, give and receive blowjobs and get into the rectum thrusting activities. You will also get regular updates on the website as you will be alerted weekly of new updates on the site and you will get to give feedback to your favourite model and also comment on the particular material you like the most. The website has not been updated for a very long time, as the last of updated activity on the site was in May 2015. So the videos and pictures on the site currently are almost a year old and still they are looking good. Also, it is not displayed clearly on the site of any awards or accomplishment, given to the website by any awards agency or regulatory body. However, they have a section of the website where they keep testimonial of their audience that has good things to say about the website and how it has helped them.
A look at the content
The user interface is pretty simple as most of the content are laid out in clear and simple format across the web pages, however, the user interface has some good features that are worthy of noting. It can be accessed from different devices both mobile and stationary devices including laptops and desktops. The website is pretty fast and responsive and its link to the different social media platforms for more intertwined connectivity across all digital platforms. The technical part of the website is okay as it will barely get a C on a score sheet rating. The design, on the other, hand is okay, it has a nice boyhood kind of excitement. The use of strong colours such as black and red which boys naturally gravitate towards, the design branding of this website is okay as the idea is to depict the normal boyish adventure and naiveté, am just not sold on the direction of the design as it is not all round conclusive. UK Scally Lads allows it general visitors to watch the videos on their website without being members on the website; however you won’t be able to download these videos unless you are a member of the site. The streaming speed of the site is really good, as you can stream as many videos as you’d like on different browsers. There are several photos to behold your eyes upon, as the site provides a whopping 47,000 pictures on the site. With such an elaborate archive as such, this can keep everyone occupied and happy. The website does have an advance search option, so, therefore, members of the site will have to manually seek out what they are looking for by themselves. The site has a highly responsive mobile and tablet version with which you can use to access the website. Gay pornography has come to stay in the western world, and it is currently the debate around some regions in the world as activists seek to make this a law in countries where this forbidden. Gay porn with the erotic sexual intercourse between a man and another man is dominating societies as people come out to declare their sexuality. So this has sparked the interest in gay porn material and a lot of resources are directed towards this as regards the pay for the models and pornstar as well as the production and marketing team.
Video and stars
The boys are models and some are aspiring pornstars like Ste one of the models who has a confident and stern look. With a darting nose and pierced nipple, Ste is a good looking fresh man with lots of steam in his engine judging by his looks. The boys are said to be models and performing in an amateur environment as this is an event as some of the look shy and timid while the others look very confident and horny while they take down their pants for the camera in the presence of another dude somewhere in the room. There are about 235 different videos of them, boys, as they thrust through each other and the videos look really sharp and they mostly come with the name of the models that are featured in the video.
Final thoughts
The production team’s effort is commendable as they produced good quality content for this project; however I will like to see more creativity by the web developers, as they look for better themes and design layouts for the website. The fresh lads look good and their bulges are healthy.
“This website is offline! Choose another one among the best gay premium porn sites.”